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Divorce & Separation: Answers to Questions

Most Recent ‘Divorce & Separation’ Posts

She declared bankruptcy, what do I do now?

My wife and I just got divorced with me paying child support a spousal allowance apparently she has declared bankrupt , how can she declare bankrupt on something with no money owing on it plus partners in on it and the judge has awarded me the building , it cannot be sold as its on […]

Can I declare bankruptcy during legal battle?

Can I declare bankruptcy while going thru a legal battle with my estranged wife?It has been nearly two years and nothing has been settle led.I have exhausted all of my monetary links.Will I be held in contempt of court because I have no money left to keep paying all expenses toward my house. Posted from: […]

Do creditors need to know if we are separating?

Two years ago, my wife and I filed a credit proposal and it was accepted. We have paid continuously and on a regular basis ever since. One month ago, we decided to separate but have remained on very good speaking terms. We just recently have gone our separate ways (living in separate houses) and are […]

Bankruptcy While Legally Separated

Bankruptcy while Legally Separated – Me and my wife will be legally separated. I am in 4th month of my bankruptcy,she was not included in this process but the child income she was receiving was calculated in our family income whether to decide if we have surplus income. If we are legally separated, will this be […]

Ministry of training colleges and universities

Ministry of training colleges and universities – I have separated since Nov 1/12, with no separation agreement in place, we sold our home and I paid some debt as well as lawyer fees. I own a business with my ex which I have not seen any money from dividends. He was to buy me out […]

Does it affect our separation agreement ?

Does it matter if spouse files before or after divorce? We have separation agreement. His debt is solely his own, my name is not on anything of his. Wondering if child support and alimony will change from our legal agreement? Posted from: Ontario

My ex-husband is declaring bankruptcy, will this affect me?

Hi, I am separated from my husband and we have the legal documents. He has to pay spousal support on a monthly basis. He has lost his job and has informed me that he will be declaring bankruptcy for the 2nd time in his life. I am worried that this will affect me financially. Can […]

court date

My son in law declared bankruptcy in july 2012. My daughter opposed the discharge after it was discovered he lied about what he owed in support and about a cash settlement he was getting. When can we expect the court proceedings to take place? Posted from: Ontario

Consumer Proposal & Ontario Works Benefits

I am recently separated. I recently started receiving Ontario Works Assistance. I will soon be placed on a Disability pension. We have a Line of Credit together. If we do a consumer proposal together for this line of credit, how will it effect my Ontario Works Benefits. These benefits are based on “my” lack of […]


After my ex husband and I split I moved out of our matrimonial home. He stated that he was assuming the mortgage even though I couldn’t get my name off of it. To my surprise I got served papers by the mortgage company that we were through, 2 weeks ago. It stated that he filed […]

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