Thank-you for answering all my questions. This is a GREAT site, and will recommend it to others. Much apprecitated. Sincerely,
Connecting You with Trusted Licensed Insolvency Trustees – We’re Here to Guide, Not Decide. Learn More
Thank-you for answering all my questions. This is a GREAT site, and will recommend it to others. Much apprecitated. Sincerely,
I don’t have a question, just a comment. This is one of the most informative sites I’ve seen. You answer questions as straight forward as possible without trying to dance around the question. Thank you very much!!! Posted from: Ontario
After posting a few questions on this blog and evaluating my options, I opted to file a proposal which has recently been accepted. It is personally better than bankruptcy and while I will be paying back more than if I had filed for bankruptcy, I feel that I am taking responsibility for some bad financial […]
I just received my automatic discharge and want to thank the trustees for providing their expertise and all that they do on this phenomenal site. I`ve read every single archived blog dating back to 2005 and this truly is the best and most informative site out there. Trust me, I looked! The entire bankruptcy process […]
Thank you so much for replying. It was so hard finding imformaton that is easy to undertsand. I am so glad I have found this site. Posted from: Ontario
Thank you. We sincerely appreciate the time and patience taken to answer our questions in detail. Posted from: Ontario
I wanted to send a note of thanks to you. I filed for bankruptcy back on March 18th. I really was not in a bad financial situation and am still not today but I had to do something to get CRS off my back for $80,000. They went back and dissallowed many of my deductions […]
I received my automatic discharge from a first time bankruptcy about 1 week ago. I just wanted to commend you for your efforts on this website. I always felt educated about the process and the couple of questions I posted here were answered promptly and professionally. Thanks
Thank you for your help! Your site has been very informative, and we have now had a meeting with a trustee.
I just want to add my thanks for the work you do on this site. After literally months of soul-searching I decided to get up the nerve to see a trustee about my finances. I must say a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I decided to file a proposal and as yet […]