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Joint Owned Property

My C.L. and I own land together and we are currently building a house on it. The title is in both our names. I might need to file for bankruptcy and I am curious about what will happen to the property. It is owned free and clear. There are a few debts related to the building of the house. We have been to the banks to try and get a mortgage but we have been turned down because of my credit rating and we can`t get a mortgage in my partner`s name because my name is also on the title and the banks have to include me. If it is in my partner`s name, we could possibly get a mortgage and pay our debts but if we can`t, then I may have to file. Can the title be put in my partner`s name with no consequences? And how long would it have to be in my partner`s name before it is not included in the bankruptcy?

Posted from: Manitoba

One Response to “Joint Owned Property”

A licensed trustee said...

There is nothing wrong with taking your name off of the title for the property as long as your spouse pays you the fair value of your 50% interest. For exampl, if the property is worth $20,000 your spouse will need to pay you $10,000 for your share. If they do not and you subsequently file for bankruptcy, the Court may decide to reverse the title change and seize your 50% interest for your creditors.

I think you should be speaking to a lawyer – not necessarily a free website…