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Once I am in bankruptcy, can creditors still keep phoning me daily

I am in bankruptcy yet one creditor phones me regularly several times a day. Are they allowed to do this?

Posted from: Alberta

One Response to “Once I am in bankruptcy, can creditors still keep phoning me daily”

A licensed trustee said...

The best way to stop the phones from ringing is to answer the phone – if you don’t your creditors may just keep calling nover and over and over again…

When you answer the phone give the caller the name and number for your trustee. If they call you again after you’ve told them about your trustee then simply ask them for a phone number and reference number you can use. Then call your trustee and give them that information.

If after your trustee speaks to them they keep calling then it is time to lodge a complaint with the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, or hire a lawyer to force them to stop.

The law doesn’t require them to stop calling, but they cannot call so often that it constitues harassment. Having said that, once you file for bankruptcy or a proposal you can’t pay them even if you want to so unless you’ve personally offended someone they’ll stop calling because it is a waste of their time. They are calling to get paid and if you can’t pay them why call…