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If an individual filed bankruptcy to avoid garnishee per pay period by Revenue Canada for 9 years of unfiled tax returns, lied and increased their expenses, lied about their creditors and the amounts owed even making some of them up (personal loans), neglected to include real creditors on the list of creditors, changed their first name, changed jobs 3 times, moved twice, never submitted another receipt or monthly budget after the first month, did not pay the creditors or the trustees, collected EI and received a grant to attend business school in conjunction with receiving EI benefits for 1 year, opened the same business under a different name during the period before discharge, did not comply with any of the requirements of the bankruptcy, would that be considered fraud and would this individual likely face incarceration? And if so where can I report them.

Posted from: British Columbia

One Response to “fraud”

Barton Goth – Goth & Company Inc. -Trustee in Bankruptcy said...

While I am not familiar enough with the circumstance, nor am I the proper person, to determine if a debtor has acted in a fraudulent manner. If you believe that there is cause of concern, and it clearly sounds as is something questionable has occurred, the proper place is to contact the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (