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what to do??

I`ve been sitting on the fence now for about a year on whether to file bankruptcy or… it`s time that i make an informed decision. I`ve sinced move from my last address and have not changed my address because i really don`t have one, so im not really sure what i`ve received in terms of mail, but i do know who i owe – it`s about 100K of a mix of taxes and consumer debt. I`ve no assets and no family to support, and no job. I`m thinking that job prospects are abundant over seas and pretty sure i can get one. Do i file for the big B, or wait till i get a job and offer a consumer proposal, but i understand taxes are not covered??? and what`s this about losing your driver`s licence??

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “what to do??”

Barton Goth – Goth & Company Inc. -Trustee in Bankruptcy said...

From the sounds of things you need to meet with a local trustee and they may be able to provide a little direction.

The trustee will talk about what is involved with the filing of a bankruptcy, a consumer proposal and a variety of other options. They will talk about things like taxes and how they are also cleared by the filing of a bankruptcy. For reference, most times there is no impact on one’s license unless you owe significant to Maintenance Enfrocement, so I am not sure what you are referring to there, but make sure you discuss this with the trustee.