property tax and car insurance
I just wanna thank you guys for answering our questions on here, we really appreciate it.
I have 2 questions.
my mortgage company pay my taxes, and i am forclosing on my house, and i am going to file for bankruptcy as soon as the forclosure process is done, am i responsible to pay the property taxes for the 2 months i didnt pay, and does bankruptcy cover them.
another question, i pay for my house and car insurance together. when i forclose on the house. I am going to call the insurance company and tell them to cancel the insurance on my house, and of course i am going to keep my car insurance, will they ask me why i am canceling the house insurance, and if i tell them i am bankrupt, would they give me a hard time about keeping the car insurance? I always paid on time, i am not going to miss any payments on my insurance, because i need to drive to get to work?
thank you
Posted from: Ontario
I am glad to hear that you have found this site useful.
As for the property taxes, they would first come out of the sale proceeds, if there isn’t enough to cover the sale proceeds as long as the foreclosure took place or was started prior to you filing for bankruptcy then it should be included in the bankruptcy.
In terms of your insurance, the bankruptcy won’t have any impact on your insurance regardless of whether or not the ask about the reasons for the canceling of the house insurance.