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Bankruptcy Extension

I filed for bankruptcy Nov 2008, attended the required credit counsilling classes a, paid monthly surplus income overages, etc and now my trustee informs me that they are going to extend my first time bankruptcy for another 4 months becuase of my surplus income throughout the process. My question is how many times can the trustee extent before I am able to apply for discharge?

Posted from: British Columbia

One Response to “Bankruptcy Extension”

A licensed trustee said...

The law allows your trustee to recommend that your bankrupty be extended by up to 12 months if you have high surplus income. If your trustee has told you they believe you should make 4 more months of contributions you have the right to request mediation or even a Court hearing to determine if the number is fair. If you agree to the 4 months then there is nothing in the law that allows your trustee to go back and decide to add even more time.