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settle the money in trust from the sell of our house

I am separated and all that is left is to settle the money in trust from the sell of our house.I have filed for bankruptcy and my ex-husband and I have decided that we would like the following to happen to the money. $10,000 to the bankruptcy, $40,000 to our son, $4,500 to our daughter and $10,000 to my ex-husband. My former lawyer who is a noted in my bankruptcy is now filing to have the division of the money not to be settled since he is stating a former judge did not include that my husband support these two children. The money for the children would go towards their education.
Can this be done. What can I do.

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “settle the money in trust from the sell of our house”

Barton Goth – Goth & Company Inc. -Trustee in Bankruptcy said...

You will need to discuss this with your legal council and your trustee. I think you will have significant difficulty dividing things up this way given that the equity laws in Ontario and the presence of the bankruptcy.