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Self Employed-How do I earn a living

As a self-employed person how do I earn a living if I can no longer sell my wares and is it possible to claim welfare whilst being bankrupt if I do not secure a job working for someone else?

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “Self Employed-How do I earn a living”

A licensed trustee said...

Who told you that if you file for bankruptcy you can “no longer sell your wares?” Depending on the type of business you have been involved in and its legal structure, your business may not be greatly impacted by filing for bankruptcy.

Of course if you are considering bankruptcy it may not make any sense to continue the business. Presumably you are not making enough of an income from the business to deal with your living expenses and debts so perhaps you should be looking at some othe rform of employment anyway…

Your trustee will not tell you that you have to close your business and find a job, but in many cases that is the sensible thing to do.