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confused about payments and surplus

My husband and I are filing for bankruptcy Nov 24 (the date we sign the papers) to start process. Last month we brought home close to $5200, does that mean we have to pay a surplus amount on Dec 24? or is our income calculated from the date of filing thirty days forward? Husband is now laid off indefinitely….please advise.

Posted from: British Columbia

One Response to “confused about payments and surplus”

Barton Goth – Goth & Company Inc. -Trustee in Bankruptcy said...

The payments will begin as of the date you file a bankruptcy. So it is likely that your income last month will have very little impact on the cost of your bankruptcy if it is not until the end of this month that you are going to file. This is best to discuss with the trustee your meeting is booked with, but it shouldn’t have any effect on your monthly payments.