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Late Filing Penaltys – CCRA

When you file late with CCRA – They can hit you with a 20% late filing penalty on tax`s owing – My question is with Bankruptcy are Penalty`s for Late filing eligable for discharge or is that considered a `Fine` and not dischargealbe. My second question is are you of the opinion for a second time bankrupt that it would be better to wait for the new rules to click in or is it better to go now under the current rules? I think I would fall under the category of 2nd time with surplus. Thanks

One Response to “Late Filing Penaltys – CCRA”

Barton Goth GCO Bankruptcy Trustees said...

The late fee with CRA is something that will be discharged by a bankruptcy (at least up to the date of bankruptcy).

When the Bankruptcy Act referes to “fines not eligible for discharge” it is looking at fines that are imposed by a court for criminal or quasi-criminal behavior.