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Sears debt in bankruptcy

I was planning on filing for bankruptcy in December. I am the secondary cardholder. Sears has just informed us that secondary cardholders will no longer be responsible for debt on the card after Nov 1 (no longer a co-borrower but an authorized user). Even though I will no longer be responsible to Sears for any debt (according to Sears), will I still be able to list Sears as a creditor? – I incurred most of the debt, receipts to prove it.

One Response to “Sears debt in bankruptcy”

Barton Goth GCO Bankruptcy Trustees said...

It will make no difference whether you list it or not. When you list yourself on a debt, it means you are guaranteeing that regardless of what happens to any other party, the debt will be paid in full.

As a result when you file bankruptcy whether you are a supplementary card holder or a joint borrower, the other party will assume full responsibility for the total balance outstanding on the account.