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Wrong Information about Creditor

I am recently discharged from bankruptcy, but one of my creditors does not show up as included in bankruptcy on my credit report, upon further investigation, my statement of affairs lists the wrong account number for a creditor, Am i still relieved of the debt, the account number is missing the last three(of 16) digits. The amount is correct, and the creditors name.address is correct, it just looks like my trustee(or I) ommited the final three digits of the account??????

One Response to “Wrong Information about Creditor”

Barton Goth, GCO Inc. Bankruptcy Trustees said...

You shouldn’t be penalized for a wrong account number. As long as a reasonable effort was made to contact the creditor you really have no need to be concerned. If the creditor attempts to levy collection, send them a copy of your bankruptcy documents and I expect the phone calls will simply stop.