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What will happen?

When I was a teenager, under the legal age for my province, I provided a false birth year to obtain a cell phone contract. All the other information I provided was true, which is what caused the debt to be added to my credit file. Will this get me into trouble if I file bankruptcy?

Posted from: Newfoundland and Labrador

One Response to “What will happen?”

Barton Goth – Goth & Company Inc. -Trustee in Bankruptcy said...

Clearly you shouldn’t have lied about your age, but I wouldn’t expect that to cause major issues. While technically speaking this was a fraudulent application you filled out or at the very least you misrepresented yourself, and technically if a creditor wanted to push this they could have it survive a bankruptcy, I think the likelihood of this being done for a small amount owing on a old cel phone bill is negligible.