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Help in this situation

I have been divorced for a few years and the process was financially crippling. I am now thinking of getting re-married but have bad credit from some unpaid bill problems stemming from the divorce. It has been around 6 years since I accrued these debts. Will my bad credit effect my new spouse, can the creditors start coming after her? Does my credit ever start repairing itself without me going bankrupt?

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “Help in this situation”

A licensed trustee said...

Your bad credit will not directly affect your new spouse – they cannot be held responsible for your old debts (unless they co-signed or guaranteed those debts form you).

Your credit bureau will eventually clean itself up over time – assuming none of your creditors continues to report your account(s) as delinquent. Unfortunately, every time one of your creditors reports your bad debt the clock to repair your credit report gets reset – no one can tell you when/if your creditors will stop reporting you.