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do we both need to file a consumer proposal

I have a lot of debt and some of it is with my Husband ..if i want to file for a consumer propoasl does he have to as well..or can he continur paying the bills with both of our names on it?

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “do we both need to file a consumer proposal”

A licensed trustee said...

Spouses are not required to file if/when their spouse does – it simply means the spouse that is not filing will be held 100% responsible to repay any joint debts. Here’s a trick that may reduce what you have to repay in the proposal. If your spouse is not going to file then they should contact all of the joint debts and ask that they be put solely in the non-filing spouse’s name. In that way the total debt for the spouse that is going to file will be reduced and they may be able to pay less for the proposal. Something to discuss with your trustee BEFORE you decide to file.