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Re applying for consumer proposal

I got approved with CP almost 2 years ago. I have another 2 years to pay. When I applied, I have no children, now I have a baby and expecting. I am paying $250 every 2 weeks and now find it difficult to pay $250 becuase of extra expenses for my baby. My question is, can I update my consumer proposal or re apply to consider my new expenses?

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “Re applying for consumer proposal”

A licensed trustee said...

It is possible to ask your creditors to amend your proposal – the process is similar to the one that was followed to have your proposal accepted in the first place. You need to go and see your trustee in order to update your financial information, in particular your household situation. Then your trustee will help you determine a mre realistic payment. The creditors then get to vote on the change.

To be fair, I need to warn you that your creditors are under no obligation to accept the amended proposal, but as long as you are offering them a greater rate of return than they would receive in bankruptcy, they will likely agree to it. When you speak to your trustee you may want to consider whether or not bankruptcy makes more sense for you now – rather than amending the proposal. Just keep an open mind and listen to your trustee’ s suggestions.