Common Misspellings of Bankruptcy-related Words
Misspellings are common in English
If you are surprised to arrive at this page, you have probably misspelled one of the bankruptcy-related words below in an Internet search. The following words are all listed in Wikipedia as commonly misspelled. As a service to our readers, we provide links to the most likely pages you may be seeking. bankruptcy
- Commonly misspelled forms: bankrupcy, bankrupsy, bankruptsy
- Try A guide to personal bankruptcy (series of four pages).
(debt) consolidation
- Commonly misspelled form: consolodation
- Try Debt consolidation loan.
- Commonly misspelled forms: embarass, embarassed, embarassing, embarassment
- Try Feelings about bankruptcy.
- Commonly misspelled form: exampt
- Try What can I keep if I go bankrupt in Canada?
- Commonly misspelled forms: goverment, govermental, govorment, govormental
- Try Bankruptcy reform in Canada.
- One of the top 100 misspelled words in English
- Commonly misspelled forms:
- harrass, harrasses, harrassed, harrassing, harrassment, harrassments
- harras, harrases, harrased, harrasing, harrasment, harrasments
- harases, harased, harasment, harasments
- Try one of these:
- Commonly misspelled form in Canada: judgement (U.S. spelling)
- Try When a collection agency obtains a judgment of debt
licensed (trustee)
- Commonly misspelled form: lisensed
- Try one of these:
- Commonly misspelled form: morgage
- Try one of these:
- Mortgages and other kinds of debt
- Can I get a house mortgage if I have a lot of debt?
- Missing mortgage payments leads to financial danger
- Mortgages and other secured debts in bankruptcy
- Your mortgage is excluded from the debts in a consumer proposal
- What happens to my house and mortgage if I go bankrupt?
- Can I renew my mortgage after bankruptcy?
- Commonly misspelled forms: negociate, negociation, negotation
- Try one of these:
Not what you were looking for?
For other answers on bankruptcy-related topics, try:
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Our bankruptcy blog answering anonymous questions by people like you.
- Contacting a Licensed Insolvency Trustee near you to arrange a free, confidential consultation or to ask your personal bankruptcy question.
The final word
You may be amused to know that “mispell” is itself one of the top 100 misspellings in English. The correct spelling is “misspell”. We hope this page of bankruptcy misspellings has been helpful to get you to the information you want.