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Collection Agency bothering me after 17 years filing bankruptcy..

I filed bankruptcy about 17 yeaqrs ago, all creditors came except for a bank , they have been sending this bill to different collection agencies about every 2 to 3 years since then, am I obligated to pay them

Posted from: British Columbia

One Response to “Collection Agency bothering me after 17 years filing bankruptcy..”

A licensed trustee said...

We hear this type of horror story once or twice a year about old debts that keep coming back. The place to attack the problem is at the source – the company that you originally owed money to. If the debt was included in a bankruptcy then you should have no legal obligation to repay it. If it keeps popping up it is because it is likely included in a block of old accounts that keeps getting sold and resold to collectors. Hire a lawyer, have them send a “cease and desist or take me to Court” letter. If you are harassed after that you can sue the company…