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Unfair treatment after bankruptcy

Hi, last summer I received a letter from a lawyer representing a creditor claiming that I went bankrupt under fradulent circumstances and thus demanded repayment for the last month of the credit card usage. Besides the allegation being completely false, from checking with my trustee they felt it was nothing more than a scare tactic for me to make a settlement and to ignore it. Three months have past since the lawyer left a phone message that they would now proceed to take the matter to court. My concern is that if these people can come out the past after a couple of years with these allegations and threats, how do I know if this chapter of my life is completely closed, there`s always the thought in the back of my mind when the phone rings or I check my mail whether or not I`ll hear from then again. How will I ever know their court case status? Is it still proceeding or did it get thrown out? The only crime being committed here is the efforts of the creditor and lawyer to extort money from innocent people who`ve admittedly made poor financial decisions in their life and have paid for them, through bankruptcy, and now want to move on in their lives. Thanks for your time.

One Response to “Unfair treatment after bankruptcy”

A licensed trustee said...

Unfortunately, there’s no way to know if they plan to proceed or not. If they do, make certain you respond to any Court notices – you will want to appear in Court to prove that you filed for and were discharged from bankruptcy. If you fail to respond to the notices or to appear in Court the creditor may get the Court to issue a judgment against you when it is not appropriate – removing the judgment is much more expensive than stopping it before it happens…