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When does the 7 year rule start for Student loans to qualify for bankruptcy?

I received student loans until 2000 while I was a full time student. I left school before graduating and started working. I returned to school in 2005 to finish the last 2 courses I needed to graduate. I paid for the courses from my own pocket. I am unable to work and repay my loans..and would like to know if the 7 year rule starts as of the last day I was a part time student (even though I paid for my schooling myself) or did is start the last day I was a full time student and receiving loans? I haven`t received student loans since 2000 so would I be eligible for the 7 year rule regardless of my returning to school parttime?

Posted from: Quebec

One Response to “When does the 7 year rule start for Student loans to qualify for bankruptcy?”

A licensed trustee said...

Contact the National Student Loan Centre and ask them what your “end of study” date is – that’s when the 7 year clock starts ticking.