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RRSP if I file bankruptcy in 2009

I made RRSP contributions of $2000 in 2007, and $2500 in 2008, and I plan to make $1000 for year 2009. If I file bankruptcy in 2009 after I make a RRSP contribution of $1000 for year 2009, what happen to my 2007`sRRSP, 2008`sRRSP and 2009`sRRSP?

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “RRSP if I file bankruptcy in 2009”

Barton Goth – Goth & Company Inc. -Trustee in Bankruptcy said...

Your RRSP contributions in 2007 and all prior years will be considered exempt and will remain intact during and after your bankruptcy. However, if you make any contributions in 2009 and you file for bankruptcy in the same year. There is some risk to your 2008 contributions, but this will depend largely on the timing of things. For more information you are best to contact a local trustee directly.