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Can I Be A student and claim bankruptcy??

I am drowning in debt and have talked to credit counsellors who ALL suggest that I claim for bankruptcy. I recently agreed that their suggestion is probably best for me, however, a new situation has come up and I`m desperate to know what to do!! I am married but my husband has taken a job in another province and is now living there. I have a professional job but am not qualified to do the same job in the province where my huband is. In order to become qualified I have to go back to university and take 1 and posiibly up to 3 credit courses. I have no intention of moving to be with him unless I can work in my field. And he cannot help support me finaciallyat this time. I would like to take 1 course at a time and can keep my full-time job if I do this. A third party would be willing to pay for the course(s) so it wouldn`t affect my current poor financial position. However, my question is can I take a course or be enrolled in a university and still claim bankruptcy???? Please help!

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “Can I Be A student and claim bankruptcy??”

Barton Goth – Goth & Company Inc. – Bankruptcy Trustees said...

There is no problem with you being a student and filing for bankruptcy. Especially considering that you have a 3rd party that is willing to help with the tuition costs. The eligibility requirements for bankruptcy look at things like where you reside, can you pay your bills as they become do, are you considered insolvent, not whether or not you are taking classes.