That depends on how you conduct your financial affairs after you have been discharged. If you have a reasonable income and are careful with your money you should be able to access credit in 2 to 4 years. It takes a few years to damage your credit – it takes a few to put it right again.
We usually suggest you apply for a secured creditor card after you have been discharged as a tool to help you rebuild your credit. Don’t get a prepaid card – these won’t help you rebuild. Ask whatever bank you are dealing with if they offer secured cards and how to get one.
That depends on how you conduct your financial affairs after you have been discharged. If you have a reasonable income and are careful with your money you should be able to access credit in 2 to 4 years. It takes a few years to damage your credit – it takes a few to put it right again.
We usually suggest you apply for a secured creditor card after you have been discharged as a tool to help you rebuild your credit. Don’t get a prepaid card – these won’t help you rebuild. Ask whatever bank you are dealing with if they offer secured cards and how to get one.