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Ex Declaring bankruptcy and refuses to pay for child support

My kid sister`s soon to be ex-husband had papers delivered to her today notifying her that he has filed for bankruptcy. He has also been accessing a joint account that she had had the Bank place in a `frozen` state (we are still looking into how he withdrew money when it was frozen). And he has yet to pay anything that the court has ordered him to pay (going back to Feb 2010. Our question is this: Is there anywhere within the law that she can charge him with Fraud as he committed these acts while entering into a state of bankruptcy? Please….any guidance you can give her and her two very young children would be a blessing!

Posted from: Quebec

One Response to “Ex Declaring bankruptcy and refuses to pay for child support”

A licensed trustee said...

Bankruptcy law does not change any support payments your ex has been ordered to make. If they are not paying support talk to your lawyer to dtermine what actions you are allowed to take in Quebec to force them to pay…

I serioulsy doubt you can have him charged Fraud, but your lawyer will know what you can do to him…