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consumer debt proposal or bankrupcy

I have not been able to pay a few things for about 5yrs now. Im in collection on all of them. I want to pay them but when i try to talk to them they wanted their money like last month. One made me feel like an inch tall @ feel really bad that i couldnt talk to them anymore. Is a consumer debt proposal right for me or sm i too late @ claim bankrupcy?

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “consumer debt proposal or bankrupcy”

A licensed trustee said...

The fact that your debts are alrewady in collection doesn’t mean you can’t (or shouldn’t) file a consumer proposal to deal with them. Whether you file a consumer proposal or bankurptcy (or choose another solution) to deal with your debts has more to do with your current financial situation – how much you are earning, how many reside in your household, do you have any assets you need to protect.

Use the links on this site to find a trustee in your area and give them a call – they will help you decide which solution makes the most sense for you.