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Consumer Proposals & Bankruptcy Nepean, Ontario

Financial obligations have found a way into almost every part of our lives. From smaller items such as subscription services for food and entertainment, to larger products such as home or business loans. Don’t let the debt take control of your life, there are options available to take back control. Our expert team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees (LIT) provide complete debt relief services such as claiming bankruptcy, consumer proposals, debt consolidation loans and credit counseling for all of the communities that make up Nepean including, but not limited to:

  • Stonebridge
  • Longfields
  • Barrhaven
  • Chapman Mills
  • Parkwood Hills
  • Bells Corners

Beyond Nepean, our LITs also act as Consumer Proposal Administrators as well as Bankruptcy Trustees to the rest of Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley, for example, to Kanata, Gatineau, Orleans and Clarence-Rockland.

When the time comes that you find yourself in need of a way out from under your debt, the first option that tends to come to mind is filing for bankruptcy. This common approach to debt relief has been portrayed in the media and the news as a last resort, but choosing to tackle your debt sooner than later can help you not only save money, but in some cases even avoid bankruptcy in lieu of other relief options.

Declaring Bankruptcy With A Licensed Insolvency Trustee In Nepean, Ontario

Preparing and filing for bankruptcy or other agreements with creditors requires working with a Trustee located locally in Nepean. By connecting you with a Trustee whose skill set best aligns with your situation, we can help you find the most fitting option to address your debt concerns. Since there are multiple variables to each type of debt solution, it’s important to trust a company with years of local experience navigating the laws of the financial debt relief landscape.

Filing A Consumer Proposal In Nepean, Ontario

The thought of sitting in an office combing through paperwork for hours on end across multiple days can feel overwhelming to anyone, especially when your financial success rides on the process being done correctly the first time. Our team of LITs have worked with local agencies and creditors over the years to understand the options that are available and how to best navigate the back and forth of finding a middle ground between you and those you owe a debt to.

Each and every one of these preparations and filings begins with a confidential consultation. Understanding the concerns around the pandemic, these appointments are conducted completely and remotely either over the phone or through video conference. Once the health climate is restored back to a safe level, you’ll be able to receive one of these no obligation consultations in person at our Nepean office.

The reason our team offers these consultations is that there are many different approaches to alleviate the pressure of mounting debt. Making sure you understand your options before making a decision is key to creating a smooth and worry-free filing process.

Our commitment to Nepean and surrounding areas is driven by our desire to see our local community continue to grow and prosper. If high amounts of debt are slowing or halting your personal progress forward, it’s time to create a plan and set it into motion. Reach out to our team today for a private consultation and see just how simple we can make the drafting and filing process, giving you back the control over the future you deserve.