Bankruptcy contested by cra?
CRA told my trustee they would contest. I’ve been making $5000/month til now only $4200/month. We are 4. My wife got a temporary contract job at 1000 per month. The cost of living we find to be so much higher than guidelines. Paying $275 biweekly to trustee. I mentally can’t imagine not being approved in January coming up (21 months). I owe~110000. I’m 44. We don’t include the mother in law’s income who stays with us half the time. Rent $1900/month and utilities crazy ~$550. Wife’s credit cards ~$400/month. cell/internet/tv ~400. Kids 19 and 20. The trustee has given no info what is going to happen if contested: garnishment? Proposal? I’d do anything to get a fresh start. My health is poor and my job as an RN is killing me.
From your email, we are assuming that CRA is a creditor of yours. As a creditor, CRA has the right to oppose your discharge from bankruptcy. Should that happen instead of being eligible for an automatic discharge from bankruptcy, a court application will be made. CRA will tell you the reasons for the objection at the time the objection is made. At the hearing for your discharge the court will decide the appropriate resolution.
In your email you refer to the payments you are making to your trustee as well as the other day to day expenses that you and your family incur. Directive 11R of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act specifies payments required to be made to the trustee based on your situation, more specifically your income, household size and non-discretionary expenses. If you disagree with the interpretation of the Directive by your trustee, you can speak to your trustee about the mediation process.