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statute of limitations

I just received a treat for legal action against a credit card debt more than 9 years old with out any payments for aprox. 7 years. With the statute of 2 years on credit card debt, can they take legal acton against me? I am unaware of any judgement agaist me to extend it to 10 years. If there is a judgement against me how do I find out? And, if they have no legal right to take me to court, how do I tell them without renewing the statute?

Posted from: Alberta

One Response to “statute of limitations”

Barton Goth – Goth & Company Inc. -Trustee in Bankruptcy said...

What we typically find with debt collection is that there are very simple actions a creditor can take to preserve their protection rights. Most creditors are quite savvy and very familiar with these laws. As a result very rarely do we find that someone can rely on the Statute of Limitations.

At this point you really should consider hiring legal counsel and they will be able to help you determine if you are still responsible, and if not they will be able to help you deal with the outstanding creditor and the actions they are taking.