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will I lose the house if I file of bankruptcy or consumer proposal

I am married and we have one child (2 year old) and I got debt ($150,000) doing small business
We have joint mortgage will I lose the house if I file of bankruptcy or consumer proposal and what is the best option?
I am also staring new job with crown cooperation/government will I lose the job if I file for bankruptcy or consumer proposal and what is the best option?
When I am allowed to buy car or house?
When can I get my credit established?
After filing bankruptcy or consumer proposal am I allowed to keep saving?

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “will I lose the house if I file of bankruptcy or consumer proposal”

A licensed trustee said...

You need to speak to a trustee directly about your situation. I really can’t point you in the right direction basd on a quick e-mail… use the links to find a trustee close to your home and give them a call.