Job Oppurtunity
My husband has just been offered a very good paying job oppurtunity….they want him to start now. We are not discharged until the middle of Nov. Now I am worried about Surplus income and how much we will ahve to pay and that our automatic dischage will not happen. He will be making more then half of the income he is making now…which will be WELL above the income for a family our size. My question is should we still take the job or will the surplus income be really high with the increase in pay? We have not had to pay any surplus for the entire we will with 1 .5 months left!?!?!
Posted from: Ontario
My recommendation is to take the job. You are right that your last couple of payments may be substantially more, but you need to act when opportunity comes. I have seen many people choose not to take the job simply due to the same surplus concern you may have, only to find out that the opportunity did not come again.
If you look at things long term, yes your bankruptcy will be more costly, but you will be making substantially more indefinitely, and I for one would hate to see that opportunity go by the way side.