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Revenue Canada

Assuming I have NO assets except for a car that is valued at $5000. I am NOT working.
I owe Rev Canada about $140K.

1) Can Revenue Canada place a lean on my car ? If so, does that mean I can still drive my car ?

2) Can Revenue Canada seize my car ?

It`s not that I don`t want to pay back Rev Can, its just that I am not working at this time, so I can make ABSOLUTELY NO payments at this time.

Please help… thanks !!

One Response to “Revenue Canada”

Barton Goth GCO Bankruptcy Trustees said...

CRA (Revenue Canada) can only place a lein on your vehicle if it is worth greater than the the level of your provincial exemptions. However, if the car is liened you can still drive it, the lien really won’t play much of a role unless you try to sell the vehicle.

While technicallly CRA can seize that vehicle if it is worth more than the provincial exempiton, but not likely.

From the sounds of it you need to meet with a trustee and look at the alternatives that can be used to deal with this outstanding tax debt (bankruptcy or proposal).