Hi, I need to ask a question as I am concerned about my mother. She is 78 yrs old, and approx. 8,000 in debt. She rents, has no assests except an older car worth maybe $500. She is on a fixed income, about $1200/monthly. She filed for bankruptcy approx 9yrs. ago, Can a person file for bankruptcy twice? and if so, what are the details around it? she cannot afford the payments she has and no one in our family is in a position to help financially. What would you advise? thank you for your time. Tracy
Your mother has the right to file for bankruptcy a second time, but it may not be the correct solution. I realize that she has ver limited means (to repay her debt), but I think she should speak to a trustee about a credit counseling program instead of filing. If/when she goes to see a trustee please ask the trustee to explain the term “creditor proof” to your mother – it may provide another option.