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Date of Discharge

How will you know if you are granted an absolute discharge? It was confirmed last month that the trustee was going to support an absolute discharge for this month. Does the trustee confirm this on the date or do I just assume it has occured if I haven’t heard anything?

One Response to “Date of Discharge”

A licensed trustee said...

Absolute Dishcarges are granted by the Court (not by your trustee). That means in order to receive an Absolute Discharge a hearing must be scheduled – you should receive a copy of the Notice for the hearing from your trustee. To find out what transpires at the hearing you could either (a) attend in person, or (b) call your trustee the next day and ask them what happened.

If you are actually talking about an Automatic Discharge (instead of an Absolute) then my answer changes. Automatic Discharges are granted by your trustee. First time bankrupts are entitled to an Automatic Discharge from bankruptcy 9 months and one day from the day that they filed (provided they performed all of their duties properly).

If you are uncertain which type of discharge applies to you, call your trustee and ask them.