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limited compnay declaring bankruptcy

I have a limited company which I’m considering filing for bankruptcy, but making the final decision, I would like to know the pros and cons with this move, espeically the consequences, thx

One Response to “limited compnay declaring bankruptcy”

A licensed trustee said...

It almost never makes sense for the owner of an incorporated company to assign the company into bankruptcy. First, most trustees will require you to pay around $10,000 up front in order to start the process (a personal bankruptcy is much cheaper) due to all of the legal requirements. Second, one of the purposes of bankruptcy is to prevent the creditors from seizing assets; if the company has no assets, there is nothing to seize. Finally, as a director of a corporation you are personally liable for certain debts, such as certain government obligations; a corporate bankruptcy does not change that.
I suggest you contact a trustee or bankruptcy lawyer to review your options in more detail.