Creditor Opposing Discharge
One creditor called a creditor’s meeting…was told there were no grounds for opposing the discharge but the recommendation was to seek legal counsel. At the discharge hearing, this same creditor was given the opportunity once again to seek legal counsel and hearing was adjourned to following month. Does anyone understand why this happened? Even my trustee has no idea. I cannot find any information pertaining to this procedure. Thank you for your time.
Without knownig more about the creditor’s claim and your bankruptcy in general, we can’t really provide much insight.
In most cases when a creditor is referred to “legal counsel” it means that the creditor may have recourse (rights) through some other piece of legislation to take legal action against the bankrupt. So, there may not be any aspect of the claim that allows things to be held up in a bankruptcy, but the creditor might have rights somewhere else.
The Court considers a one month adjournment a rather minor courtesy that it will grant to any party upon request.