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help for low income

I have lived in NL for three years and have been on welfare for two years.I am a single mom with 3 teenagers. I suffer from
depression and anxiety. My total debt is around $120,000, that occured eight years ago.
I know this has had it’s toll on my mental health and has to be put behind me.
Social asst-$1038 CTB-$780 GST $207
The only assets I have is household contents.
Is there any program available for low income,
Thank you for your time and look forward to hearing a solution to my debts

One Response to “help for low income”

Barton Goth, GCO Inc. Bankruptcy Trustees said...

From the sounds of it a bankruptcy may be the only option available but to determine this you need to discuss the specifics of your situation with a licensed trustee. You may want to discuss with whether or not you are in a position where your creditors could take action against you as you may be in a spot that we call “creditor proof” and may not need to take any action at all.