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Can’t afford to pay the trustees fees

My husband has filed bankruptcy for the first time and in now discharged we paid his bill to the trustee in full on time to accomplish this. I have filed for the third time. The first two times were to clear up debts with my previous husband and again upon our devorce. I have sole custody of the two children from the first marrage and my new husband and I have one child together. I lost my job due to restructing last October 5 months after we filed jointly for bankrupcy. My husband only works 3/4 time and my unemployment runs out this week. Does the trustee bill have to be paid in order for my bankruptcy to end or can a judge forgive the amount owed so this matter can be settled?

One Response to “Can’t afford to pay the trustees fees”

A licensed trustee said...

Getting a discharge is a complicated matter. In general, once a bankruptcy in Canada starts, it does not end until you are discharged. The Bankruptcy Court does have the ability to stipulate payment arrangments, but in most cases it is best to attempt to reach a settlement with the trustee before going to court.