Connecting You with Trusted Licensed Insolvency Trustees – We’re Here to Guide, Not Decide. Learn More

Free Consultation

Bankruptcy Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia

Being in debt can be challenging and highly stressful, but there are options for relief from that debt. Support groups are helpful, but sometimes you may need professional help with the financial and legal issues you face. Our Licensed Bankruptcy Trustees can help you get out of debt and regain your financial freedom.

Smythe Insolvency Inc.- Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Smythe Insolvency Inc.
Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia
Free Consultations Appointments are available Monday to Friday and on weekends. Please call or email for a time that suits your schedule.

Our Trustees will take you through everything you need to know, but if you have those items available, the process will be easier and they will be better able to help you in a more efficient and effective manner. The free consultation will allow you to see what you need to do next. Feel free to call or email us to book your meeting with our Trustee today.

Find Out More About Your Bankruptcy Options in Shawnigan Lake

We offer an initial no-charge, no obligation, confidential consultation.

In order to aid us in helping you through the process, you will need to come to the meeting prepared with a list of items (we would explain this in more details prior to the consultation). First, examine why you are looking for debt relief. List your monthly income as well as your outstanding debts and who you owe. Think about what money you have in the bank and how much you owe on your house or car.  Call 1-250-984-8345 today for a free, confidential, consultation with one of our Trustees.