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Debt owed to a University but not a student loan…

Recently I requested a transcript from a university that I attended last in 1996-1997. The response was that I have an outstanding account that must be settled before any transcript will be sent out.

What should I do…I am not in a position to assume a large debt and would think that it would be equal to a year`s tuition at that time ($3000ish).

To be clear this is a debt owed to the institution and not as a student loan. Thank you.

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “Debt owed to a University but not a student loan…”

A licensed trustee said...

I am sorry, but if you want a copy of your transcript you’ll have to pay the school. Whether or not it is a student loan is irrelevant to their requirement that your account be paid before they will provide the information you are seeking.