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Trustee selection

I am having money problems and I am considering filing for a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. If I am not satisfied with the trustee handling my file, is it possible to change the trustee and at what point of the process?

Posted from: Ontario

One Response to “Trustee selection”

A licensed trustee said...

Up until you file bankruptcy or your consumer proposal you may switch trustees by simply going to see someone else. Once you file there are no provisions in the law that allow you to change trustees…

That’s one of the reasons you want to do your homework and make certain that you are comfortable and have confidence in whomever you are dealing with. If you didn’t “pick your trustee”, rather you were referred to a trustee after seeing as debt consultant that made you pay an upfront fee then you should have serious concerns about that trustee’s practice. Trustees meet with anyone for free – it’s simply part of our professional obligation to the public. If your trustee allowed you to pay someone else a fee before they’d see you then you should probably deal with a different trustee…