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Divorced, but house my ex still lives in still at my name

I have been told it would be impossible for me to do anything as my ex owes me about $50 000 for the house she still lives in. Problem is that it is stated in the divorce judment to come that she is allowed to stay in the house until the end of 2015 as she is in a wheel chair and this will give her time to relocate in a adapted appartment. She can’t buy the house as she has no revenues other than social welfare (which would cover the mortgage and taxes though).

Due to various reasons (health, problems finding a job in my field …), I now have a hard time making the minimum payments on my credit cards and can’t see how to get tout of this nightmare.

Any help/hint is appreciated. Thanks

Posted from: Quebec

One Response to “Divorced, but house my ex still lives in still at my name”

A licensed trustee said...

Go and speak to a trustee about filing a consumer proposal with manageable monthly payments from now until 2015 when the house can be sold – when it is sold a big chuck of the money will be paid towards your debts…