Late filing taxes in a Consumer Proposal
In 2007 in Ontario i filed a consumer proposal with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee.We moved to B.C. in Mar./08 with the proposal complete. I could not find my tax receipts due to the move and misplacement of some items.I have tried to have the debt i owed which has now increased a lot due to penalties and interest, removed and covered as i was told it would as part of the proposal.Rev Can took 5 months to finally respond and informed me due to late filing nothing could be done and i had to pay the amount owing.There is much more concerning the Trustee`s responce.Do i have any recourse now that i have filed the return and still owe the balance as they took a refund from this past years taxes and applied it to the debt,with abalance still owing?
Posted from: Ontario
If you filed a consumer proposal in 2007 it would have included your income tax debts upto and including 2006. Your 2007 taxes would not have been part of your proposal and therefore the Canada Revenue Agency has evey right to try and collect, as well as charging you interest and penalties until the debt has been paid.
If you have a specific complaint about/against your trustee then you should contact the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. This is the government agency that licences, monitors and when necessary disciplines trustees.