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I filed consumer proposal 2 years ago and it was annulled

I filed consumer proposal 2 years ago and it was  annulled, I was paying 180.00 a month. Judge ordered for the new proposal and now I have the same creditors, but one of them did not accept this time and asked for 33% or $550.00 a month!!The trustee called me for creditors meeting. I would like to know is this negotiable or if I offer them a little more and they don`t accept what is going to happen?

Posted from: Manitoba

One Response to “I filed consumer proposal 2 years ago and it was annulled”

Barton Goth – Goth & Company Inc. -Trustee in Bankruptcy said...

You definately have the ability to try to negotiate this, although it is questionable how the creditor will react. I would suggest you contact the the trustee you used to file this consumer proposal with and discuss this in more detail.