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Persoanl & Business Bankruptcy

I owned my own bussiness for 4 years, the first 3 were sole owner, and the last year it has been INC, I owe CRA taxes, on the personal side mostly and bussiness, I`m wondering if I file, if my wife will have to file? We only got married in Dec 08, What are my options if i file. We rent our home but own our bussiness building & land?
I would like to keep my wife away from this matter, if i can. She filed 8 years ago before we met. What should I do?

Posted from: Nova Scotia

One Response to “Persoanl & Business Bankruptcy”

A licensed trustee said...

Unless your wife was somehow involved with the business (a director of the corporation or did she guarantee any of the debts?) she should not be involved. You”ll need to speak directly to a trustee in NS to sort out which debts are yours personally, which are the corporations, and which of the corporations debts you may be held personally responsible for.

Use the links to find some one in your area and give them a call.