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Bankruptcy – what constitutes “unusual activity”?

In one of your recent answers you stated:

“A trustee will immediately review the last 3 months in absence of anything unusual.”

What constitutes unusual? Would gambling fit into this category?

Thanks for your help.

One Response to “Bankruptcy – what constitutes “unusual activity”?”

A licensed trustee said...

You’re asking the million dollar question – gambling would certainly be considered “unusual”, so would buying a new TV, the water gets a bit muddy for things like groceries or other items for living.

If you have an gambling problem it is in your best interest to try and deal with it before you file for bankruptcy or a proposal. If you have a gambling problem and your trustee finds out about it from someone other than you it will greatly complicate your bankruptcy.

Here’s something else to consider: if you have concerns that you won’t be able to repay the purchase when the credit card bill arrives then you shouldn’t be using the card. If you’ve spoken to a professional (like me) about your situation then you shouldn’t continue to use the card. If you have already decided to file bankruptcy or a proposal then you most definitely should no longer be using the card.