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dealing with former creditors post bankruptcy.

hi, this may sound crazy but what if you wanted to return to the previous bank you had when you declared bankruptcy? (they were one of the creditors involved due to a line of credit and personal loan). i inquired about this some time ago with the bank in question and was immediately forwarded to their collection department. i am discharged close to a year, do i have any chance of banking there again? my account was never closed. could they try to take any funds if the account became active again? i prefer this bank over the one i now deal with but obviously will not switch if there is any risk. thank for your time, you have a great site!

One Response to “dealing with former creditors post bankruptcy.”

Barton Goth, GCO Inc. Bankruptcy Trustees said...

The best advice I have is to bank with a different institution that way you won’t have any risk of difficulties. The problem is that each institution keeps their own records and they may or may not have updated things appropriately at all levels of the institution. As a result you could find some difficulties as a result of their internal record of the previous bankruptcy or they simply could be confused as a result of recording errors on their part. To make your life less stressful simply forge a relationship with a new institution.