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How much can be garnisheed from my wages?

I had a garnishment from “Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Edmonton” for 30%, now my payroll office tells me that they received notice to increase that one to 50%, and there is a new one from “Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Winnipeg” for 30%, What is the maximum that they can take?

One Response to “How much can be garnisheed from my wages?”

Barton Goth, GCO Inc. Bankruptcy Trustees said...

I had a garnishment from “Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Edmonton” for 30%, now my payroll office tells me that they received notice to increase that one to 50%, and there is a new one from “Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Winnipeg” for 30%, What is the maximum that they can take?

While a typical garnishee has a very specific limit to the amount that is available to the creditors, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is not bound by these limits. As a result you are left with the following options:

1. Negotiate with CRA directly and see if they will be willing to limit the garnishee to a reasonable amount;

2. Contact a trustee to discuss how the filing of a proposal can give you the ability negotiate an acceptable payment level, potentially reduce the total amount owed, eliminate any future interest and ultimately remove the garnishee.