Common-law / roommates and income payments
If I am living with my partner, but our finances are entirely separate (like roommates) do I need to report her income on my monthly statements?
And if not, who determines the nature of the relationship and how do they do that?
Posted from: Newfoundland and Labrador
The law regarding the calculation of household income is open to some interpretation, but basicly, if a person benefits from your expenditures (and/or you benefit from theirs) then you are likely a household and all income needs to be reported.
This is something to discuss with your trustee BEFORE you file. A word of caution – a trustee might be willing to consider you as roomates rather than a household, BUT should you fail to perform all of your duties properly and you end up in Court, a judge may take a very different view… In other words, make sure you do what you are supposed to so you don’t end up in Court.